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Criminal AI’s (Part II)

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Hacker using AI

AI Crime: Risks, Regulation (and Ethical Considerations) – This is the second part of our article dealing with the use of artificial technology in the realm of malicious intent. Find the first part here Criminal AI’s (Part I).

In this part we try to find answers to the following questions:

How does technology evolve and what new risks could emerge?

It’s important to provide an outlook on the future development of AI technologies and to reflect on what new risks and challenges might emerge from this. This includes considerations for more advanced AI systems that might be harder to control and regulate, as well as the potential creation of new types of criminal activities.

Exploring the future of AI technology uncovers a landscape filled with both groundbreaking opportunities and notable challenges. This journey necessitates a careful consideration of several key areas:

The Complexities of Advanced AI

  • Increased Complexity in Oversight: As AI evolves, the intricacy of its systems demands nuanced approaches to ensure they remain under control and operate within expected parameters. The leap in AI capabilities could lead to scenarios where systems operate beyond our full understanding or predictability.

Ethical Considerations and Accountability

  • Responsibility of Creators and Users: Both developers and users of AI carry the weight of ensuring their implementations are for the greater good, particularly in sensitive areas such as healthcare and financial services. The ethical landscape surrounding AI requires a deliberate approach to decision-making, balancing technological advancement with moral responsibility.

Security Implications

  • Growing Security Concerns: With the advancement of AI, the landscape of security risks expands. The sophistication of AI not only opens new avenues for innovation but also for exploitation, making it a potent tool in the hands of cybercriminals.

The Challenge of Social Governance

The Rise of AI-Enabled Cybercrime

  • Innovations in Cybercriminal Tactics: AI technologies offer cybercriminals tools to automate and sophisticate their operations. From creating deceptive content and automating phishing attacks to finding new ways to breach security protocols, AI could significantly lower barriers to committing complex crimes with less human input.
    Reference: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/the-rise-of-ai-powered-criminals/

In synthesizing these considerations, it’s clear that the path forward with AI is one that requires vigilance, ethical commitment, and proactive governance. Ensuring that AI serves humanity’s best interests while mitigating its risks is crucial to harnessing its full potential responsibly.

What role do international cooperations and agreements play?

Since AI-based threats often cross international borders, the significance of international cooperation and agreements in combating AI-driven criminal activities is a pertinent discussion point. It would be beneficial to examine existing initiatives and frameworks, as well as to explore suggestions for enhanced international collaboration.

UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics (November 2021)

All UNESCO member states adopted a landmark agreement defining shared values and principles to ensure AI’s healthy development. This recommendation underscores the importance of transparency, data protection, and security in AI handling and explicitly bans AI systems’ use for social scoring and mass surveillance.
Reference: https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/11/1106612

G7 Code of Conduct for AI (November 2023)

The USA, the United Kingdom, and several other nations signed the first comprehensive international agreement on AI security against unlawful actors. This voluntary code of conduct aims to address risks and concerns related to AI. However, it’s crucial to note that violations of the G7 Code of Conduct carry no legal consequences, making it more a recommendation to AI companies from the states.
Reference: https://aibeat.co/countries-sign-agreement-to-make-ai-safe/

OECD Principles for AI

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed principles for responsible AI handling. These highlight the need to use AI in alignment with human rights, transparency, and data protection, aiming to establish a global framework for AI’s responsible use.

UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)

Within the CCW, discussions on autonomous weapon systems (also referred to as “killer robots”) are ongoing. Some countries are working towards an international agreement to regulate the use of such weapon systems and minimize their impact on humanity.

Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)

The GPAI is a multilateral initiative focused on promoting collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society. Its goal is to develop AI technologies while upholding human rights and ethical principles.

These initiatives represent a global response to the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, emphasizing the need for international cooperation to harness AI’s potential responsibly and ethically.

How can AI systems be used in crime fighting?

In addition to the risks, the potential of AI systems in crime fighting should also be highlighted. This includes, for example, the use of AI to detect fraud cases, analyze large datasets during investigations, or predict criminal activities.

A balanced view of the positive application possibilities of AI:

  • Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition: AI’s capability to sift through and analyze large datasets to detect patterns and connections proves invaluable in various aspects of crime fighting. It’s instrumental in tasks such as evaluating suspect photos, analyzing video recordings, or tracking money laundering activities.
  • Accelerated Processing of Evidence: In North Rhine-Westphalia, a pilot project in collaboration with Microsoft aims to combat child pornography online by utilizing AI. AI aids in rapidly searching through extensive case files to identify suspects, speeding up the examination of confiscated laptops for evidence.
  • Identifying Recidivism Risks: In the USA, AI is employed to identify offenders who are at high risk of recidivism, facilitating more targeted surveillance and prevention measures. (Such use may not be permissible in the EU due to privacy concerns.)
  • Speeding Up Investigations: AI-powered analytical programs can significantly expedite investigative processes, as seen in the case of the double homicide in Kusel, where two young police officers were fatally shot.
    Reference: https://www.businessinsider.de/tech/kuenstliche-intelligenz-hilft-bei-der-bekaempfung-von-kriminalitaet-2019-8/

It’s crucial to consider that the use of AI in these contexts could potentially infringe upon individual privacy rights. Balancing the benefits of AI in crime prevention and investigation with the ethical considerations and privacy rights of individuals presents a complex challenge that requires careful deliberation and responsible implementation.

How can transparency and accountability in the development and use of AI be promoted?

Promoting transparency and accountability in the development and use of AI systems is crucial to preventing misuse and enhancing trust in these technologies. Discussions could include approaches such as open-source initiatives, ethical guidelines for AI developers and users, and mechanisms for monitoring and reporting.

Measures to create a responsible ecosystem

  • Algorithm and Data Disclosure: Organizations should be transparent, revealing how their AI algorithms function. This includes information on the data used, training processes, and the basis for decisions.
  • Explainability: AI models must be designed to make their decisions understandable, especially critical in sectors like healthcare, law, and finance.
  • Ethical Guidelines and Frameworks: Corporations and research institutions should establish clear ethical guidelines for developing and deploying AI technologies. These guidelines should cover data protection, discrimination, and fairness.
  • Independent Review: External auditors and independent bodies can monitor and assess compliance with ethical standards.
  • Responsible Data Collection: Companies should be cautious not to use discriminatory or biased data during collection, helping minimize prejudice in AI systems.
  • Public Participation: Public opinions and concerns should be incorporated into AI technology development through consultations, surveys, and dialogues.
  • Liability and Accountability: Companies and developers should be held accountable for the impacts of their AI systems, enforced through clear liability rules and reporting obligations.
  • Education and Awareness: The public should be informed about AI’s opportunities and risks, fostering awareness of the importance of transparency and accountability.

These measures aim to create a responsible AI ecosystem where technology advances hand in hand with ethical considerations, ensuring benefits are realized while minimizing potential harm.

How can citizens and businesses be involved in the discussion and shaping of the AI future?

It’s crucial to outline methods by which citizens and businesses can actively engage in discussions about the future direction of AI technology and its regulatory environment. This includes participation in public consultations, the formation of interest groups, and efforts to educate and raise awareness about AI topics.

Engaging a broad spectrum of society

Public Consultations and Feedback Mechanisms

Establishing robust platforms for public consultations allows citizens, businesses, and stakeholders to voice their perspectives on AI policies, regulations, and ethical guidelines. Governments and organizations should actively solicit input through various channels such as surveys, workshops, town hall meetings, and online forums. These mechanisms ensure that diverse viewpoints are considered and integrated into decision-making processes, contributing to the development of more inclusive and effective AI governance frameworks.

Formation of Interest Groups and Communities

Interest groups focused on AI can serve as catalysts for engagement and advocacy, bringing together diverse stakeholders including citizens, businesses, researchers, policymakers, and advocacy groups. These groups play a vital role in promoting responsible AI development, raising awareness about AI-related issues, and advocating for policies that prioritize ethical considerations and societal well-being. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, they empower individuals and organizations to collectively shape AI policies and practices.

Education and Awareness Programs

Educational initiatives are essential for enhancing public understanding of AI technologies, their potential applications, and their societal impacts. Workshops, seminars, webinars, and awareness campaigns can address misconceptions, promote critical thinking, and encourage responsible AI use. Businesses should invest in employee training programs to improve AI literacy, foster ethical decision-making, and ensure responsible adoption of AI technologies within their organizations.

Collaboration with Industry Associations

Industry associations play a crucial role in facilitating dialogue and collaboration between businesses, policymakers, and the public on AI-related issues. They organize conferences, seminars, working groups, and other forums to discuss emerging trends, best practices, and policy recommendations. By actively engaging with these associations, businesses can stay informed about the latest developments in AI governance, share insights and experiences, and contribute to the formulation of industry-wide standards and guidelines.

Transparency and Communication

Transparent communication is essential for building trust and confidence in AI technologies. Businesses should openly share information about their AI strategies, data practices, algorithmic decision-making processes, and privacy policies. This transparency enables stakeholders to better understand how AI technologies are developed, deployed, and regulated, facilitating informed decision-making and accountability.

Participation in Policy-Making Processes

Businesses and citizens should actively participate in policy-making discussions and public consultations on AI governance. This includes attending public hearings, submitting feedback on draft regulations and policy proposals, and engaging with policymakers and regulatory authorities. Policymakers should create accessible channels for stakeholder input, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered and integrated into policy decisions.

Partnerships with Academic Institutions

Collaboration with universities, research institutions, and academic organizations can drive AI research, innovation, and education. Businesses can support research projects, sponsor scholarships, and collaborate on joint initiatives to advance AI technologies and address societal challenges. Universities can also play a crucial role in educating the public about AI through public lectures, workshops, and outreach programs, raising awareness about the opportunities and risks associated with AI technologies.

Ethical AI Certification and Standards

Businesses can voluntarily seek ethical AI certification to demonstrate their commitment to responsible AI practices. Certification programs should be developed in collaboration with stakeholders, including businesses, academia, civil society organizations, and regulatory authorities, to ensure that they reflect widely accepted ethical principles and standards. Standard-setting bodies can involve citizens and businesses in defining ethical guidelines, certification criteria, and assessment methodologies, fostering transparency, accountability, and trust in AI technologies.

By implementing these strategies and initiatives, stakeholders can work together to foster a more inclusive, transparent, and responsible approach to AI development and regulation, ensuring that AI technologies benefit society while minimizing potential risks and harms.


AI Crime: Risks, Regulation (and Ethical Considerations).

The article continues to discuss various ways in which AI technology can be misused for criminal activities, ranging from high to low concern crimes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the risks associated with AI-based threats. The text highlights the need for ethical considerations, technical safeguards, and regulatory frameworks to mitigate these risks effectively. Additionally, it explores the potential role of AI in crime prevention and law enforcement, as well as the significance of international cooperation and agreements in combating AI-related crimes.

Please see also the first part of the article at: Criminal AI’s (Part I)

Author: INFORITAS Social Media Team // 2024-03-23